Woot Math Goodbye FAQ

What will happen with my account?

Access to your account will be disabled for the 2023-24 school year. If you need access to your materials after that date, please contact us and we’ll try to help you.

What will happen to my data?

Woot Math takes your data, and data privacy, very seriously, and we are committed to doing so even as we sunset Woot Math (you can read about our policies here). Should you need access to your data following the disabling of your account, please  contact us and we’ll try to help you.

Why are you shutting down Woot Math?

We want to assure you that our journey does not end here. Woot Math technology continues to support Saga Education, and its mission to deliver high-impact tutoring to underserved youth. And, we are already in the process of reimagining some of our most successful offerings, including Woot Math’s Adaptive Practice and Polls. We will keep you updated on our progress. If you are interested in being an early tester, please sign up here