Does each student need their own device?

Woot Math is designed to work in both 1:1 and non 1:1 classrooms. A device per student is not required.

In the case of a 1:1 classroom (or if you have access to carts or a computer lab), then each student can work on their assignments at the same time.

If you do not have access to a device per student, then students can easily share devices (either by grouping students together, or simply alternating). Many teachers use a rotation model or other small-group format in this case. Note that if alternating, students should logout prior to the next student logging into their account, so the assignments and progress are accurately captured.

The teacher dashboard provides an Assignments section which provides an overview, and an Analytics section which provides real-time reporting so you can easily monitor all of your students, regardless of how you choose to implement Woot Math in your classroom.

Want to see how other teachers have successfully implemented Woot Math? Check out the case studies for more information. Or always feel free to contact us to discuss your classroom needs.

Note: As of January 2021, the Adaptive Practice content is only accessible via the Woot Math app and only works with a device per student, 1:1.