What happens when I bookmark a student result?

When either creating a quiz, exit ticket, warmup or poll, or running one in real-time with your class, you can generate bookmarks to store either exemplar work or student work for later. You might want to bring up samples of good work, or common mistakes, for classroom discussion. Creating a bookmark can help make this easy in the classroom.

Anytime you are viewing a student response, you can always generate a bookmark in the top left-hand corner, as shown here.

Selecting Bookmark this answer will allow you to give your bookmark a title and save it for later use. In this case, we’ve titled it Good work shown.Once you have bookmarks, then you can display them in your classroom, or review them offline. To view them, select display results, then click on the bookmarks tab. This will display all of your bookmarks, and you can select any of them for projection to your class.

Bookmarks are a quick and easy way to facilitate classroom discussions around mathematics. Woot!