Assessing Math Misconceptions
The first problem is a tap-on-the-mistake type. Students need to analyze the projected procedure and find the mistake (if there is one). Recognizing math misconceptions is a great exercise.

– Task 1: Tap on the Mistake –
Discussions about Math Misconceptions
Some of your students will likely choose the correct answer, and some will likely “choose no mistake was made”. Now is when the sneaky and magical power of Woot Math shines! Deselect the reveal answer button to reveal student responses as a heatmap without revealing who was correct.

– Uncheck Reveal Answer–
Some of your students might no think there is an answer, some (hopefully) got it right, and some may have chosen another place in the work. Those who got it wrong may have been guessing or may be going off of a juicy misconception… aka: a productive learning moment. For more on the value of learning from mistakes, check out Woot Math’s CEO, Krista Marks, Ed Surge article on Aha moments.
After you click show results, your heatmap might look a little something like this:

– Task 1: Heatmap of Student Responses –
Small Group Discussions

– Student Grouping –
With heterogeneous grouping by answer, each group should have someone who got it right (as long as you have enough students getting it right). Now, each of the groups is set up for success. Woot!
Get started by previewing the activity right now with the link below. Or, login to and search for Warm Up: Modeling with Linear Systems in the Shared Gallery.